Mr. ReBrick got his model shot for the Minifigure Catalog

The LEGO company is currently promoting its REBRICK website and asked selected LUGs around the world for their participation. Our LUG 4/2 decided to join, so I took Mr. ReBrick to take his model shoot for the Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog. Here is the photo setup and the resulting photograph. Isn’t he just made for being a photo model?

LEGO Space – Building the Future

I have been looking for a descent space theme for some time. The current space themes are just too exotic for me. Too many bugs, creatures and just weirdness. How about some more realistic space fantasies? The Gravity movie gave a good example of how exciting space can be even without Starship Troopers. It looks like my prayers have been heard:

The new book LEGO Space: Building the Future looks like a very promising book that I am certain to order.

LEGO Space

The Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog 2nd Edition is now available

I am proud to announce that the second edition of the Unofficial LEGO Minifigure Catalog is now available as book from CreateSpace and Amazon and as an eBook (DRM free PDF) from Lulu. I have been able to make many corrections and additions and I hope that you enjoy this new essential book for all Minifigure fans.